Twitter Must-Haves

Welcome to Twitter.  If you're just getting started here are some of the people I suggest following on Twitter.  I'm amazed daily my colleagues on Twitter who continually inspire me and push my thinking.  I know this isn't everyone.  The danger with writing this list is my memory ---- I know I will forget to mention people that I value on Twitter.  My apologies ahead of time.  However, there are many new friends on Twitter who might be looking for people to follow so I thought this list might help.

My local tweeps:
For the most part, these are educators living near me and teaching in local districts. I'm fortunate to be able to, not only follow these people on Twitter, but see them regularly. They are a smart group, and continually inspire me. You won't want to miss @frankisibberson @KatieDicesare @MaryLeeHahn @Jreaderwriter @karenszymuziak @karenterlecky @mandyrobek @stellavillalba @Deb_Frazier @mariacaplin @nicolelkessler @tonykeefer @aruddteacher100.

Smart Educators to Follow:
These are educators that constantly share what is happening in their classrooms and in education in their area. They tweet valuable resources, ask great questions, and thoughtfully respond to conversations on Twitter: @cyarzy @gret @paulawhite @KathyPerret @kassiaowedekind @tenteacher @JennBrokofsky @tcash @aliharper20 @kristenmarie123 @wonderphillips @room5friends @steelepierce

Literacy Tweeps:
These colleagues are smart literacy resources. They tweet about books and all things literacy. They not only demonstrate leadership in literacy, but keep me thinking and growing as a literacy educator: @bookchook @lorilovesbook @the1stdaughter @alybee930 @mentortexts @bluskyz @asharuiz @PaulWHankins @donalynbooks  @literacydocent @linkstoliteracy @gregpincus @acorgill @KateMessner @JensBookPage @hickstro @MrSchuReads @jmalphy @ColoReader @ChocolateAir @amylvpoemfarm @CBethM @Komos72 @colbysharp @JulieDRamsay

Slice of Life Tweeps:
In March I participated in the Two Writing Teacher's Slice of Life Challenge #slice2012 (write every day for a month).  During this time I found a community of writing friends on Twitter.  These friends have interesting blogs and continually cheer each other on in writing:  @ruth_ayres @raisealithuman @teacherdbs @katsok @carwilc  @litlearningzone @JenniferBurto12 @mrsday75 @gilkatgil @spillarke @mselke01 @mardieteach @lbaie @thelitladies @valruckes @kellylou

These authors and illustrators are keep me posted on the latest:  @toddparr @KatieDavisBurps  @caitstuff @taralazar @LouiseBorden @RileyCarney MitaliPerkins

Early Childhood Tweeps:
As a first grade teacher, these early literacy colleagues always remind me the importance of preserving the child in my learners. They have great suggestions for working with young learners:@LiteracyCounts @maggiecary @teachmama @poulingail @Teach_Preschool @playactivities @JenDobson27@sxwiley @LAMHRainbow @hechternacht @Matt_Gomez @Mr_Fines

Links to Great Resources:
These people not only filter great tweets and pass them along in the Twitterstream, but they locate smart information on the internet and share it regularly. These colleagues are important for locating resources that will help improve our classroom practice. @kevcreutz @joycevalenza @ghewgley @elizbtheastman @soltauheller @rmbyrne @lizbdavi@cybraryman1 @djainslie @GaryBrannigan @Struggle2Learn @MissCheska @pragmaticmom @educatoral

Always Ready to Help:
It seems every time I put out a call for help, these are some of the first to respond. You should add these "first responders" to your list: @cyndiejacobs @nsharoff @m_yam @weemooseus

English Language Learners:
If you have English Language Learners in your classroom, you'll want to follow@MultiLingLiving @KarenNemethEdM @judiehaynes @PreKlanguages

These Tweeps Keep Me Thinking:

Tech Tweeps
Here are a few technology tweeps to get started with:

Public Education Advocates
With the recent push to place funding into charter schools, and take funding from public schools, I felt it was time to advocate for public schools and the children they serve.  For this reason, I started @PublicEd4Kids which is a new account created to advocate for public schools and children.  Here are a few public education advocates I recommend following:  @ForTrueEdReform @nancyflanagan @TeacherSabrina @RachelAnneLevy @juliecavanagh15 @KenMLibby @leoniehaimson @TeacherReality @SOSMarch @susanoha @starsoflove @DianeRavitch 

Some Ohio tweeps who keep me up-to-date on legislative issues:  @plunderbund @Notgvn @Elishico @real_large

The Movers and Shakers:
These people are "must haves" for your Twitter list. Odds are you already follow them, but I'm going to talk about them anyway. These are the people who seem to have their pulse on the internet. I'm pretty sure they don't sleep. They share great links and seem to be developing a professional online community that is amazing: @ShellTerrell @tomwhitby @teachingwthsoul @ktenkely @tonnet @courosa @gcouros.


  1. Thank you for all the contacts! Greatly appreciated! :) Talk to you on twitter!

  2. I just discovered this page. Thanks for including me. I am coming back later to find new people to follow. Thanks for making such a great resource.

  3. What a great list...I just found it and am honored to be included. I'll be following people from your list to learn more, and I'll share it too. Thank you! xx

  4. Thanks for compiling such a great list Cathy! I will share your resource.

  5. Thank you for sharing this list.
