About Me

Thanks for stopping by "Reflect and Refine:  Building a Learning Community".  In January of 2010, after several months on Twitter, I decided I needed a space to reflect in more than 140 characters.  In my first post, "The Walls Are Coming Down," I share the changes in my teaching as I began my journey toward a classroom community moving beyond our four walls.   The journey continues here where I reflect on children's literature, literacy education, teaching, learning, and technology.

I began teaching in 1988 and have taught grades kindergarten - 6th.  I have also worked as a Reading Recovery teacher and literacy coach, but have always found myself back learning alongside children in the classroom.  Currently I am teaching 1st grade in Hilliard, Ohio.  I received both, a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master of Arts in Education with a specialization in the study of Children's Literature, from The Ohio State University.

You can find me:

  • @Cathy Mere:  These tweets are dedicated to my professional learning.  Most tweets are related to literacy, technology, and positive practice.
  • @PublicEd4Kids:  Here I advocate for public education.  

Diigo:  Catmere

Author of More Than Guided Reading
Author Biography

Jog the Web:  Catmere

SlideShare:  Catmere

Shelfari:  Cathy M  (my personal bookshelf)

Goodreads:  Catmere  (my children's literature bookshelf)

Pinterest:  Catmere