Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hello Summer & Hello #cyberPD

Today's the day!!!  

The hubbub started this morning as Erika Victor reminded:

All through May #cyberPD community members were sharing their stacks on blogs, Goodreads, Twitter and our MeWe community site.  Some stacks were quite an ambitious, others just enough to allow time for some pleasure reading as well.  The stacks were full of great professional reads which made it challenging to select to the book for this summer's conversation.

Drumroll Please
I know you're all waiting.

You really stopped by to see our selected title for July's #cyberPD book talk. It's never easy to choose a title.  There are so many interesting professional books that have been released recently.  After looking at everyone's stack, we selected the title most often found in summer collections.

This year's #cyberPD title will be Welcome to Writing Workshop:  Engaging Today's Students with a Model That Works by Lynne Dorfman and Stacey Shubitz (also here).  

To join our community conversation in July:

Our July Schedule