"You cannot help but learn more as you take the world up in your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on it." John Updike

As we put another year behind us I cannot help but think of the impact my colleagues on Twitter have had on the work I do. Each day these people inspire me, make me think, cause me to question, and send a million of good resources to my fingertips. I've been building my personal twitterverse for a little over a year now. They are a diverse group of people who bring me a valuable, well-rounded, collection of information. I suggest you check some of these people out!
Here is my #FF end of year tribute to my tweeps.
For the most part, these are educators living near me and teaching in local districts. I'm fortunate to be able to, not only follow these people on Twitter, but see them regularly. They are a smart group, and continually inspire me. @frankisibberson, @KatieDicesare, and @MaryLeeHahn are responsible for putting me on the path to my current Twitter addiction. Most of the tweeps in my area are terrific literacy leaders. You won't want to miss @Jreaderwriter, @karenszymuziak, @karenterlecky, or @mandyrobek either.
The Movers and Shakers:
These people are "must haves" for your Twitter list. Odds are you already follow them, but I'm going to talk about them anyway. These are the people who seem to have their pulse on the internet. I'm pretty sure they don't sleep. They share great links and seem to be developing a professional online community that is amazing: @gret @ShellTerrell @tomwhitby @teachingwthsoul @web20classroom @ktenkely @tonnet @NancyTeaches
Smart Educators to Follow:
These are educators that constantly share what is happening in their classrooms and in education in their area. They tweet valuable resources, ask great questions, and thoughtfully respond to conversations on Twitter: @Grade1 @paulawhite @whatedsaid @4thGrdTeach @DoeMiSo @KathyPerret @ccampbel14 @4thGrdTeach @dlpd17
Literacy Tweeps:
These colleagues are smart literacy resources. They tweet about books and all things literacy. They not only demonstrate leadership in literacy, but keep me thinking and growing as a literacy educator: @lorilovesbook @the1stdaughter @alybee930 @mentortexts @bluskyz @ReadingCountess @PaulWHankins
Early Childhood Tweeps:
As a first grade teacher, these early literacy colleagues always remind me the importance of preserving the child in my learners. They have great suggestions for working with young learners: @LiteracyCounts @maggiecaryn @teachmama @poulingail @Teach_Preschool @playactivities @JenDobson27
Links to Great Resources:
These people not only filter great tweets and pass them along in the Twitterstream, but they locate smart information on the internet and share it regularly. These colleagues are important for locating resources that will help improve our classroom practice. @kevcreutz @joycevalenza @ghewgley @elizbtheastman @soltauheller @rmbyrne @lizbdavis @cybraryman1 @djainslie @GaryBrannigan @Struggle2Learn @MissCheska @courosa
Great Conversations:
These colleagues always keep the conversation going: @missmac100 @TeachJohnson @thehomeworkdog @newfirewithin @MaryAnnReiley@2ndgradetchr @doriedance @kelalford @jillfisch
Always Ready to Help:
It seems every time I put out a call for help, these are some of the first to respond. You should add these "first responders" to your list: @cyndiejacobs @nsharoff @m_yam @weemooseus
English Language Learners:
If you have English Language Learners in your classroom, you'll want to follow @MultiLingLiving @KarenNemethEdM @judiehaynes @PreKlanguages
These Tweeps Keep Me Thinking:
These tweeps really make you ponder: @AngelaMaiers @davidwees @thenerdyteacher @bhsprincipal @joe_bower @mbteach
New Tweeps I'm Enjoying:
These are educators I have just started to follow, but am already enjoying. I'm looking forward to more conversations with: @PrincipalBerry @surreallyno @ccoffa@ColoReader @kbkonnected @ruth_ayres @RdngTeach @EdTechSandyK @EdTechSteve
this is an amazing compilation of resources!! Thanks so much for putting it together and sharing it! I am putting it in my diigo bookmarks immediately (yes, I had to switch from delicious to diigo).
ReplyDeleteHave a great new year!!
This is such a great resource. I can't tell you how much you are teaching me about twitter. Thank you thank you!!! Now I get #ff. Takes me awhile...
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic resourceful post. I always look forward to your posts and tweets. You have expanded my understanding of Twitter, blogging, and literacy in general. Thank you for including me with such a great group of people. I look forward to our continued sharing of ideas and thinking!
Happy New Year!
You've convinced me to give Twitter a try again. I'm not sure how you keep up without getting totally overwhelmed, but I'm diving back in. Thanks for the great resources. I'll have to add them to my follow list and I guess I need to check out diigo too. :) Happy New Year!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post and organization. Thanks for giving me links to more important thinkers in our teaching journey. Thanks for the shout out too and now I know what #ff means. Thanks for being part of my journey. Enjoy 2011.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the #FF! I also appreciate the great suggestions. It looks like I am a few days behind getting caught up on my reader. I hope the new year has gotten off to a wonderful start for you. I look forward to collaborating and learning even more with our great PLN this year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the resources. You really are inspiring me to give twitter a try. I hope you don't mind pointing me in the right direction as I wander through; twitter is a bit of a mystery to me.
ReplyDeleteYou are the Queen of Twitter (to me). I just can't stay with it. I am an episodic twitterer and I guess that has to be good enough.