
Sunday, February 10, 2019

It's Today: Nonfiction Picture Book 10 for 10 #nf10for10

Goodness, how did it get here so fast?  Today's the day for our nonfiction picture book celebration.  This is an important event for me as it is a reminder to keep nonfiction texts in the front of mind.  It reminds me of the importance of weaving these texts alongside the other picture books we read.  It's certainly a great time to talk about nonfiction picture books as authors and publishers continue to grow in the work they do in this genre.

(Directions to join are at the bottom of this post.)

10 Nonfiction Picture Books 
In previous nonfiction events, I've shared:
This Year
This year, I'm going to share 10 hybrid texts I love.  I've often called narrative texts that weave in information, literary nonfiction.  More and more I see the term "hybrid text" being used to talk about books that weave narrative and nonfiction.  I might be going a bit too far in my collection as I'm going to also include poetry that has information woven within its pages.  I'm thinking this works as well, but it is certainly up for debate.

Ten hybrid texts I can't live without:

Join Us
Want to join the conversation?  Visit Mandy's blog, Enjoy and Embrace Learning, to add your nonfiction link to the conversation.  This is different than in the past as we have been hosting on Google Plus, but Google Plus is shutting down.


  1. Yes, hybrid, but I've used nf poetry with students who want diverse ways to share their research. World Make Way & When The Sun Shines on Antarctica are terrific! I still need to read Lovely Beasts, first on my list, Cathy! Thanks!

  2. Lucky me, I know about half of these and then the other half I need to explore. I love the word hybrid text and why mix things together. Mapping Sam truly has my interest peaked. I wonder if it's like Mapping Penny. Thanks for co-hosting with me!
