
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Meeting Students Where They Are: DIY Literacy Ch 5-6 #cyberPD

It's the final week of #cyberPD.  Our community is reading DIY Literacy by Maggie Roberts and Kate Roberts.  This week we're discussing the final chapters:  chapter 5 & 6.  These two chapters helped me to solidify my thinking around using these tools to "tailor teaching (p. 71)" and to effectively shape the tools we use with students.

In both my time in the classroom in large learning communities and then in supporting readers reading intervention, I continually worked to differentiate for learners.  No two learners are ever the same, and as Kate and Maggie remind us this can be challenging to balance in classrooms.  Using tools like charts, demonstration notebooks, micro-progressions, and bookmarks help to not only make learning more concrete for students but also allow for greater differentiation and personalization.  These tools help to develop "a sustainable practice that meets kids' needs (p. 72).  Working to meet the variety of needs in a classroom takes thoughtful practice.  The authors help us to see how tools can not only support students who need help, but they can also extend learning for students who need more push.  

These chapters reminded us to:
  • Look for signs tools are working:  use, struggle, shifts, growth, engagement
  • Look for signs tools can be removed:  automaticity, awareness
  • Build effective tools:  co-create; use popular culture, metaphor, kid language, space, color, branding
  • Be intentional about location

Thinking About Tools to Support Learning
I created this visual representation of key points from the reading.

In Closing
I can't thank the #cyberPD community enough for all they have shared during this event.  I'll be weeks browsing through the posts and will return throughout the year for the many ideas that have been shared.   

My Past Posts
Becoming Strategic Chapters 3-4
DIY Literacy Tools Chapters 1-2


  1. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!

  2. This has been a great book to discuss...thank you for your efforts to coordinate the CyberPD community! I love your sketch! I have been amazed at how sketching has helped solidify my own thinking and understanding of what I read and seeing everyone sketches has reinforced how sketchnoting is another tool we can add to the DIY toolkit!

  3. Wonderful opportunity! Thank you for organizing it and keeping it going. I'm sorry I missed the final chat. Is there a way to get the Storify or archive of the convo? Thanks!
