
Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a Versatile Blogger

I woke up this morning and the sun was shining.  My patio called, but my phone said it was only 52 degrees.  The skies were a beautiful blue, the birds were chirping (actually turns out it was a convention of blue jays so chirping isn't quite the word), and a mist covered the grass.  I had to go to the patio.  So I grabbed a pair of sweats, a sweatshirt and my cup of coffee.  I had a few things I wanted to get done this morning and knew I should probably get a post on this blog.  The post I need to get up isn't quite ready --- but then I realized Mary Lee and Franki from A Year of Reading had nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Perfect - a post to write.  Of course, I googled "Versatile Blogger" and found there to be 10,800,000 links which means choosing 15 blogs that haven't been chosen could be a task in and of itself this morning.

It only seems fitting that the two people who started me on this crazy adventure would nominate me.  Thanks to both of you for the nomination and all of the learning I've found on the internet.  I am a much better educator, learner, and collaborator thanks to you both.

After accepting this honor there are some things we are requested to do:
1. Thank the person (people) who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
2. Share 7 things about you.
3. Pass this award along to 15 other blogs that you have discovered.

So, here are 7 things about me:

  1. I have a Twitter addiction.
  2. I started this blog when I found 140 characters on Twitter just wasn't enough to talk about education and literacy.
  3. This is my 23rd year of teaching.  I've taught grades kindergarten through 6th and worked as a Reading Recovery teacher and literacy coach.
  4. Having visitors to my classroom makes me a nervous wreck  --- even after 23 years.  
  5. I love new picture books and chocolate (yes, I know that is technically 2 things)!
  6. This really isn't a very versatile blog, I blog mostly about children, learning, literacy, technology, picture books, and building classroom communities (of course, you will find an occasional politically motivated rant).
  7. This blog collaborates with Enjoy and Embrace Learning each August 10th to host the August 10 for 10 Picture Book Event.  (next year will be year 3!)
Here are 15 blogs I would like to recognize (it's not hard to think of 15 blogs):
  1. Barbara at Love to Teach Reading and Writing
  2. Gail at Mrs. Poulin's Blog
  3. Jen at Elementary, My Dear, or Far From It
  4. Jennifer at A Work in Progress
  5. Jackie at Ready, Set, Read!
  6. Jill at My Primary Passion
  7. Kassia at Math Exchanges
  8. Katie & Pat at Catching Readers
  9. Laura at Our Camp Read-A-Lot
  10. Lyssa at My Mommy Reads
  11. Lori at Lori's Lessons
  12. Michelle at Literacy Learning Zone
  13. Scott at Brick by Brick
  14. Sylvia at Ele'Mentor
  15. Tammy at Apples with Many Seeds
That was a fun challenge and walk through many blogs I love to read.  I must say, however, I think I could have finished that post that has been hanging over my head in that time.  :o)


  1. Thank you so much for the honor :-) ... not sure what it all means, yet it definitely is one of the highlights of my year. :-)

  2. Thank you so much for the mention of Ready. Set. Read! I think Reflect and Refine is Versatile because I would call you a Versatile blogger. From reading your posts and your tweets, I think you try to look at a variety of educational issues and I think you also understand how educational practices affect the individual. So maybe you're just versatile within your genre :)

  3. Thank you Cathy for the nomination. The opportunity for community building is wonderful.
    Apples with Many Seeds

    PS. My Versatile blogger blog will come out this Thursday.
