
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beginning the Summer Conversations

Tomorrow I'll be leading two sessions with Deb Frazier for our district's Summer Academy.  I'm really looking forward to the first session, "What's All the Tweeting About?", as we're going to be talking about building a professional learning community on the internet through blogs, wikis, Nings, and social media networks.  That means I get to talk about Twitter!  I'm hoping to bring a few more people to the dark side.

I've attached our slideshow that will accompany our discussion and exploration (links should be embedded), as well as a few other links that may be helpful for participants.

What's All the Tweeting About?  (Collaborative Google doc and links)
Who to Follow?:  A New Year #FF Thank You
My Twitter Lists

The second session is about a topic I love and get to talk about often - reading.  I'm looking forward to the conversation in our session: Teaching Readers of Tomorrow, Shaping Readers of Today.  For me, this session will be a bit different as I'll be sharing, not something I've been working on for awhile and have seen work but, something I'm in the middle of thinking about.  We're going to be talking about moving student conversations about literacy beyond the classroom and out into the world.  We'll be looking at the connections to literature available on the internet such as book trailers, author websites, and other literacy connections.  It is a great group so I'm excited about the learning and conversation I know will take place.

Again, I've placed the slideshow we'll be using during our conversation here as well (links should be embedded).

Shaping Readers of Today (Collaborative Google doc & Links)
Listmania of Books Shared Today I
Listmania of Books Shared Today II
Book Trailers:  A Place in Our Classroom Communities?
Am I Crazy?  Blogging with First Graders

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