
Thursday, February 3, 2011

January Mosaic

I'm still trying to figure out how to take my Flickr 365 days of photos and create a mosaic.  Mary Lee from A Year of Reading always inspires me with her end of month photo collages.  Today I decided I was going to sit here in the ice (well, on my couch) and make it happen.  I still haven't figured it out.  I ended up taking a screen shot of pictures I moved to

Oh well, it works.  I'll keep trying.

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”  Tennessee Williams 
                                                                                             ...thanks friends


  1. The friends we choose are so important in what we become and who we are and I am so thankful!
    Thank you friend!

  2. What you came up with TOTALLY works! Maybe we can plan a coffee shop get-together at the end of this month to play a little with photos and mosaics! We'll talk...

  3. PS -- I'm so jealous of that CLEAN CAR!! And it is so fun to peek through someone ELSE'S lens and catch those glimpses and wonder what's the rest of the story behind each picture...VERY FUN!!!

  4. Mary Lee,
    I would love to get together. I could use some tips on how to accomplish this mosaic in a "more user friendly" way. Interestingly, the perk with all of this technology use is I've learned some "cheats".

    Screenshot is my favorite cheat. It has saved me a million times. Thursday someone was having a panic at school because they had a document they had created for a meeting, but it would not print correctly. Screenshot and ta-da.

