
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Three Running Record Apps for Running Record Season

It's running record season.  Actually, I'm the biggest nerd.  I love running records.  When you spend years doing several running records a day, you get a little geeky about the opportunity to sit beside a child to listen to them read, ask a few questions, and dig into their thinking.  Who can resist puzzling out readers?  Of course, running record season makes me want to reach for my favorite tools.  Yes, I know it is recommended you do running records with a pencil, but I love the feel of a pen.  Thank goodness my friends told me about Frixion ERASABLE Pens.  I know, right?!!!  Game changer.  You know you'll find me with a collection of these in my bag.

I also couldn't do running records without Evernote.  If I'm completing a running record for a colleague or if I'm working with a reader I know I want to think more about, recording the audio of the running record can be helpful so you'll find me with Evernote in my bag as well.  The truth is there a lot of apps that would allow you to record audio or snap pictures of running records, but I appreciate the ways I can organize in Evernote - and it's ease of use.  

Having done so many running records, I don't mind a little running record math - it's good for the brain - but I must confess to my attachment to apps for making this even easier.  I often get asked about calculators for running records and have discovered three apps you might like if you are finding yourself busy this running record season.

Running Record Calculator by Von Bruno

I'm just going to say it:  this is my favorite app.  I don't normally spend money on apps, but this is worth the $4.99 cost.  It does everything.  It can calculate accuracy and self-correction rates.  It has a timer that will calculate words per minute.  Additionally, when using the timer feature, the app will record the reading.  I also love this app for progress monitoring.  For example, if you have a student whose focus is self-correction, The Running Record Calculator lets you tap a button every time the reader self-corrects for easy score retrieval.  Easy-peasy.  If you don't mind spending $5 download this app right now.

Teacher Tool Grader by Alfredo Delgado

If you just don't want to spend any money on app, then I recommend Teacher Tool Grader.  This app has a timer to help you figure out words per minute and it's running record feature does the math for you to determine accuracy and self-correction rates of a text.  I found it easy to use.

Running Record Toolbox by Doodle Smith Ink

So maybe you just can't see spending $4.99, but maybe you like a little glitz and glam in your life; then this app is likely for you.  At $.99, it has a stopwatch for reading rate, a calculator to determine accuracy and self-correction rates, a symbol cheat sheet and an accuracy table.  Additionally, it has a lot of cute and glam.  So, at 99 cents you might find this perfect for running record season.

No matter which calculator you choose, you'll find any of these three apps will help to simplify your life during running record season.  If you've discovered a favorite, I hope you'll share it in the comments.  (Or if you're not an iOS user and have suggestions that would be great too!)

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