
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mother Reader's 48 Hour Book Challenge

I've just finished picking up books from the library, and loading my Kindle with books, for Mother Reader's 10th Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge.  This will be my fourth year to join to the fun.  Participants have a window beginning June 19th and ending June 21st to get started reading for 48 hours.  The goal is to read as much as you can during those 48 hours.  There is a 12 hour minimum participation to be eligible for prizes.

In the past, I've used this event to kick off my summer reading.  This year the event is a bit later so I'm already off and running, but will work to make reading a priority this weekend.  As I've done in the past I will push the middle grade line a bit and spend much of my time focusing on chapter books for young readers.  I'm always trying to get acquainted with more of the possibilities for students.  I will pepper in a professional read and a most likely a bit of YA as well....unless I change my mind.  ;o)

I'll be picking between some of these titles:

I'm thinking I will kick off my reading Saturday morning, but we will see.  I will be keeping my time using Amazon's Book Time on my Kindle again this year.  I just can't find an app from iTunes that allows me to time reading sessions and record titles in this way.  I'm open to suggestions.  I hope you'll consider joining this fun event to celebrate summer reading.  

1 comment:

  1. I know for this challenge you need to record your time but is there another reason or time of the year you track the time of your reading? Just wondering how often you use this app.
