
Saturday, January 11, 2014

One Little Word Community

It's 1-11!  The perfect day to round up all the One Little Word posts to see if we can build a few connections.

The new year is full of new hope as we move into 2014.  Right now gyms are crowded, everyone is eating better, and for a short time we're all working to improve.  In the last few years the One Little Word movement has caught my attention.  Some bloggers attribute it to Ali Edwards and others to the book One Little Word That Will Change Your Life Forever (Get One Word website via Monica Taggart).  I honestly can't tell you.  One day a couple of years ago I just started reading words from blog to blog and jumped into the fun.  

This year as I traveled from blog to blog I noticed friends choosing the same word.  I thought it would be fun to group them a bit so we could support one another.  I thought today would be the perfect day since it is January 11... or 1/11 (that's for you, Mandy).  Here are the words I've received on a previous post and from Twitter.  If you would like your word add, just leave it in the comments below with a link.  I'll add them into this post between today and tomorrow (1/12).  


Deb Day:  Coffee with Chloe   "There's a spirit to Aloha that I think you have to find (kind of like looking for JOY). I think it means to appreciate what you have and share with others. It means to be content and in the now, not worrying about what you cannot change."

Bark Keister:  Balance

Katherine Sokolowski:  Read, Write, Reflect  "I need to regain the balance, and I'm hoping my word will serve as a reminder for me this year." 

Mindi Rench:  Mindi's Musings  "I need to BE present.  I need to BE open.  I need to BE calm.  I need to BE mindful."

Kimberley:  First in Maine  "This year, after much thought, I have chosen a word that can be open to interpretation, but generally fills me with joy and wonder when thinking about what it can bring."

Jodi Samsinak:  The Writer's Block, "My life is so blessed, but this year, I am going to take time to slow down and enjoy every minute of it."

Mary Lee Hahn:  A Year of Reading  " I need a year of slowing down and focusing on the moment at hand, not getting myself all worked up about what's ahead, or all wrought up about how the things behind me played out."

Maria Caplin:  Teaching in the 21st Century  "I am thankful for the opportunities when I have a choice.  I have learned the littlest choice can make a huge impact on my life."

Mindy Reid:  Principal's Pensieve  "In 2014, I look forward to all of the ways I can show my commitment.  First and foremost, I am committing to this word!  It is my word, and I'm going to own it."

Cathy Sankey:  Every Student, Every Day "As an educator and as a leader, I feel that vision, faith and courage not only guide our work but make the difference between what Richard DuFour calls in On Common Ground the Knowing-Doing Gap."

Julie Johnson:  Raising Readers and Writers  "At this point in my life, I now understand the importance of giving myself permission to not be perfect."  

Jaana:  Jaana's Writing Blog  Stop by to read her discovery poem.  

Cathy Mere:  right here  "Though there are some things I'd like to find out more about, I think DISCOVERY, at least for me, will also be about those random surprises I find that make me want to dig a little deeper; the things that unexpectedly surprise and fascinate me. "
Mandy Robek:  Enjoy and Embrace Learning  "I know I'm ready to straighten out that pitch and make some necessary changes in what I do and how I think so my heart is happier."

Michele Knott:  Mrs. Knott's Book Nook  "But in 2014 I want to encourage myself:  reading is fun, it's enjoyable, it's what I love."

Dana Murphy:  Two Writing Teachers  "This year will be the year that I learn to float.  To me, floating implies a certain steadiness, a calmness.  I picture myself floating in crystal blue waters, breathing in and breathing out.  Moving gently with the breeze.  Calm and steady" 

Cathryn Petticrew:  Learning Journeys  "Focus, for me, is about being intentional with my time and my attention."

Clare:  Assessment in Perspective  "I want to open myself up to thinking about different types of GRIT and how GRIT can help me in a variety of situations in my life."

Monica Taggart  "For me, IGNITE also means to create and launch ideas myself. I also hope to IGNITE sparks in my family, friends, and fellow teachers simply through encouragement and support."

Jennifer Hogan:  The Compelled Educator  "Professionally, my focus areas are growing teachers and leaders, increasing collaboration, finding a mentor, creating a tribe, and taking chances. Those may seem vague, but I am working on the specifics so that I can sharpen my focus. Intentional."

Melanie Meehan:  Two Reflective Teachers  "Sometimes in the rush and pressures of daily life, I do forget that kindness is a daily gift that is available to dole out to the people around me."

Amy Rudd:  The "Rudd"er  "I need to listen to my own heart too-what are my needs and wishes-what is my heart telling me?"

Kevin Hodgson:  Kevin's Meandering Mind  "It’s digital, physical and internal, and I am going to “make” 2014 a year of diving in as deep as I can."

Margaret Simon:  Reflections on the Teche   Margaret has a beautiful poem on her blog about OPEN.  Stop by to read it.   

Jen Vincent:  Patient


Stacey Shubitz:  Two Writing Teachers  "I look forward to 2014 being a promising year for my family, and to the promise of a bright, loquacious future for my daughter."  (Stacey also has listed her promises as well as some new maxims she lives by.  Stop by to read more.)

Leigh Anne Eck:  A Day in the Life:  "Now I know that living my life upside down will help me to REACH out and become a better me...that ME I searched for and found last year."

Rose:  Mentor Texts with Lynne & Rose  "2013 brought a number of changes for me both personally and professionally, and I have had to re-imagine my role as teacher, mother, and writer. Since I am continuing this journey of “re-imagining” as I head into 2014, I think it will serve me well."

Kelsey Empfield  Kelsey plans to use her writer's notebook to help her "remember all the awesome epic-ness that is happening" to her.  

Michelle Haseltine:  One Grateful Teacher "Risk.  It scares me.  It scares the crap out of me!  And that's why I need this word." 

Maria Selke:  Maria's Melange "So - my "word" is more of a theme this year. Breathe... slow down... enjoy each moment instead of always looking for the next thing to complete."

Ramona:  Pleasures from the Page  Ramona has an interesting story - and some beautiful images - of finding her word so stop by.  

Jennifer  (hoping to find a link for Twitter or a blog)

Jennifer M:  I Hablo Espanglish  "In all of this, I want to shine like a SPARK: emitting rays of delight and energy while spreading positive change."

Terje:  Just for a Month or So "My quest should have been for a word that would help me to remember "What kind of a person am I striving to be?" in different situations."

Kendra Limback:  Simply Learning Together "Strong covers and helps define a lot of what I hope to achieve this year. "

Annie Orsini:  Simply Learning Together  "I want to be strong and handle challenges with grace."

Michelle Nero:  Literacy Learning  "Strength in my balance of life and finding time to balance all that I need and want to do and accepting that I can't do it all!"

Franki Sibberson:  A Year of Reading " I am going to try really really really hard to not stress about all that is coming my way and enjoy each day whether it is a day full of work, rest, friends, exercise, whatever."

Tammy:  Assessment in Perspective  Over the past few weeks, I have noticed the word TIME again and again.   It actually feels like this word is choosing me instead of the reverse.

Linda Baie:  TeacherDance  Linda reminds us to choose wisely, " days hold only so many hours."  


  1. Fun. Although I have read some of these posts, I missed a few. My OLW arrived on my trip to Hawaii over break. Here's the link

  2. Encourage

  3. Thanks for gathering into one basket, Cathy-I 'imagine' you will 'discover' more as the days go by! Love the idea of community as I 'wander' through the posts.

    1. You make laugh. That's a pretty clever comment, Linda.

  4. It is kind of you to create this round-up. I found some I hadn't read yet. My word is a noun that makes sense to me - Strawberry - I explain it in this post:

  5. Thanks for creating this place to share our OLWs. It will be a favorite place to come and be inspired.

    1. I really thought I'd find a few more commonalities. Interesting how different they are all, yet each is perfect.

  6. What fun to see all the different words and read the stories of how they will inspire others this year!
    For me, this year's word is "SPARK"!

    1. Also, my mom's first-ever OLW is "COURAGE"!

  7. What a great idea! My word is FLOAT.

  8. This is fun! Thanks for adding my link!

  9. Kindness: I was feeling a little uncreative with my word as there are so many incredible words and posts going around. However, a friend just sent me this link:
    I need my word to be kindness!

  10. What a great list! Thanks for doing this!

    Mary Lee's = BREATHE

    Franki's = TODAY

  11. I absolutely love the connection to the date 1-11! It's good timing to give people to ponder and select their word too.

    I chose embrace this year. You can find my post here -

    I'm hoping to embrace things professionally and personally in 2014!

  12. Wow, I really thought I'd find more similarities. It seems we have a collection of beautiful words. I'm off to consider

  13. Better - I'm not there yet.
