
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Maybe Balance is Found in a #Nerdlution

I'm sure you've heard about it.  There's a #nerdlution happening on Twitter.  Beginning in December everyone committed to making some kind of change for the next 50 days.  I was a little hesitant to take on a challenge at first during such a busy month, but I fell to positive peer pressure and jumped in.  Of course, I chose a goal that would bring me joy for 50 days.

It's December.  I didn't choose healthy eating.  It's Christmas cookie season.  I didn't commit to exercise.  I never keep those commitments.  I didn't commit to writing time.  I've gotten much better at squeezing that into my week.  Instead I chose reading fiction.  It seems the perfect goal to allow me to rest and relax each evening.  With one week down I've been reading 50 minutes or more of fiction each night.  Tough goal, huh!?  My friends were quick to offer many new suggestions for my reading so my shelf is quite full now.

Enjoy the theme songs for each section (please share other suggestions).
If I've missed your #nerdlution tweet, please
share the tweet url so I can add it.

As I started my #nerdlution goal this week, there were some things I expected to happen and many more than surprised me.

Here's what I expected:
  • to be reminded of how much I enjoy reading fiction.
  • to enjoy relaxing with a good book each evening.  
  • to be motivated and supported by the community.
Here's what I didn't expect:
  • to realize that sometimes carving time out for something I enjoy would actually give me more energy in the classroom.
  • to actually get to the gym to exercise.
  • to surprisingly find more time to write.
  • for the community to continually evolve and grow the challenge.
  • to laugh so many times!
  • to find such JOY.
Somehow through carving time out for something I enjoy, I've managed to find time to do all the things I should do. It's a little surprising to find balance in this commitment for more time each day.  

Thanks to everyone who is participating for the motivation and support.  I'm enjoying following your journeys and seeing so many people do what makes them happy.  


  1. That's awesome! That's an interesting concept, isn't it?! Time is a fascinating concept - that we can "find" more of it when we're doing what we're supposed to be doing is wonderful! I love reading about what #nerdlution is doing in people's lives!

  2. Happy makes happy; energy makes energy; reading makes writing; community makes all the difference.
