
Sunday, June 9, 2013

48 Hour Challenge: Finish Line

At 9:47 I finished the 48 hour challenge.  This year I read for 844 minutes, or about 14 hours, beating last year's time by about an hour and a half.  In that time I read nearly 4 books.  Unfortunately, I finished right in the middle of my fourth book.

Since my check in, I have read the Kindle samples for And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini and Crescent by Diana Abu-Jaber.  I decided to download Crescent for my next read, but I'm quite sure And the Mountains Echoed is going straight into my summer "to be read" pile and will be pulled out quickly.

Crescent was recommended to me by Julie Johnson of Raising Readers and Writers.  It is a delightful book so far about a woman, Sirine, who has an amazing way in the kitchen.  Sirine cooks in a Lebanese restaurant and lives with her uncle who is a professor at a university.

Sirine meets Han at a poetry reading one evening and is quite taken by him.  As Han, a poet and professor, shares about his life in Iraq before coming to America and Sirine shares about her life in America being raised by her Iraqi immigrant uncle since the death of her parents, the two begin to build a bridge between worlds.

I'm headed back to my book.  This challenge has helped me to kick off a little summer pleasure reading.     Thanks, Ms. Yingling, for hosting.


  1. Crescent looks really good. I don't read much adult stuff, but I may have to check that one out. Thanks so much for participating in the 48HBC! I'm glad it helped kick off your summer reading.

  2. Crescent sounds like something I would enjoy. I love food books.

  3. Almost four books is great! I'm anxious to read the new Hosseini book--I loved the other two.
