
Thursday, April 5, 2012

National Poetry Month

April showers
bring May flowers...
and poetry.

How's that for a poem?  Couldn't resist.  April began National Poetry Month.  I have loved poetry since I was in elementary school.  My fourth grade teacher, Mr. Conway, taught us how to write poetry.  It's the first time I remember thinking about poetry, and I have loved it ever since.

I've been gathering poetry books, reading poetry sites, and writing poetry in preparation of a focused study with my students.  Poetry provides opportunities to focus on visualization, figurative language, word choice, rhythms of words, and fluency among other concepts.  Most of all, it is an enjoyable way to energize the classroom community of readers and writers.

In honor of National Poetry Month I have decided to write a poem a day each day in April at Merely Day by Day.  Mary Lee at A Year of Reading has been talking about writing poetry every day for the month of April.  I decided it would be fun to join her.  Since then I have learned that other blogs have poetry events.

National Poetry Month Blog Events:
If I have missed any poetry events, and I know I have, please leave a note in the comments.  I'd love to hear about them.

Other Links of Interest:
Choice Literacy


  1. There is so much to read and reflect upon in April. I believe it should carry on into May and the summer, then the fall, well, you know what I mean. Thanks for the mention, Cathy. Hope you're having fun with your class, too!

    1. I have to agree poetry is perfect all year!

  2. Good luck with the challenge. Thanks for sharing links to those who are also challenging their poetry muscle!

  3. Thanks for the 30 Poets/30 Days shout out... and I'm looking forward to seeing your poem a day!

    1. I enjoy your site and look forward to your 30 Poets/30 Days.

  4. Isn't it fun to remember when you first noticed poetry and began your love for it. Mine was with my mom and Robert Louis Stevenson...
    Thanks for the mention of my site, BTW! And thanks for your visits and comments!
