
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Wrap Up: Our 2nd Annual Picture Book Event August 10 for 10

Thank You
This week was our second annual picture book event:  August 10 for 10 (#pb10for10).  While Mandy Robek and I co-hosted the event, the real success of it came from the diverse group of participants willing to share their picture book expertise with one another.  The result of this collaboration is a resource we can all return to throughout the year.  This year's event included books for preschool children, nonfiction lists, picture books for math, multicultural literature, old books, new books, borrowed books, blue books (ok, I'm getting a bit carried away).  Thanks to everyone who took the time to post, to e-mail, to tweet (and retweet), and to tell friends.  You rock!  (And a special thanks to Mandy for joining me in another year of crazy fun.)

August Event Links
If you'd still like to post, I'm not much of a rule follower so I'll be happy to add your post to the collection.  Just comment here (or on my 10 for 10 post) or mention (or DM) me on Twitter.  

It's hard to explain to other people what I have gained from professional interactions on the internet.  The networks I've come to rely on through Twitter and the blogging world are such a big part of the learning I do.  I've gained a positive community of educators willing to help one another.  This event is a perfect example of what happens when we all join together.  You inspire me!  Thank you.  


  1. Do you have another link to Jog the Web? Right now it's taking me to a Twitter conversation.

  2. Thanks, Susan. Fixing the link. Should work now.

  3. Awesome job Cathy! I'm still perusing the lists -- that is why I love the jog! I know I'll continually visit it throughout the year! Thanks again! What fun!
