
Friday, June 17, 2011

Thanks Twitter #FF Post

This week I led a session with Deb Frazier talking about professional development available on the internet.  During this time I was reminded again how much Twitter has helped me to grow professionally.  The community of learners on Twitter always pushes my thinking, has helped me envision new possibilities, and has helped move my classroom beyond our four walls that surround us each day.

For my new friends interested in Twitter, here are a few people to consider following as you build your learning community.  To my Twitter colleagues, thanks once again for making learning a part of my day - EVERY DAY!  (Note:  I am sure I have forgotten some amazing people here so keep an eye on the comments.  I will likely have to add as they come across my feed over the next day or two.  If I have forgotten you, my apologies.  Feel free to leave a comment with your name or the name of other educators I should be sure to follow.)

For the most part, these are educators living near me and teaching in local districts. I'm fortunate to be able to, not only follow these people on Twitter, but see them regularly. They are a smart group, and continually inspire me. You won't want to miss @frankisibberson@KatieDicesare@MaryLeeHahn@Jreaderwriter, @karenszymuziak, @karenterlecky, @mandyrobek @stellavillalba@ssibberson@ProsserBill@frazierde@michelleosu@lizbrary@carcarr819 @kavecr@mariacaplin@billygiacomelli@wjmere@juliekeefer and @tonykeefer.

Smart Educators to Follow:
These are educators that constantly share what is happening in their classrooms and in education in their area. They tweet valuable resources, ask great questions, and thoughtfully respond to conversations on Twitter: @gret @Grade1 @paulawhite @whatedsaid @4thGrdTeach @DoeMiSo @KathyPerret @ccampbel14 @4thGrdTeach @dlpd17 @kassiaowedekind @tenteacher @vickyloras @Saskateach @tcash @soingirl @nancyteaches @aliharper20 @kristenmarie123 @mgraffin @ohionicole

Literacy Tweeps:
These colleagues are smart literacy resources. They tweet about books and all things literacy. They not only demonstrate leadership in literacy, but keep me thinking and growing as a literacy educator: @lorilovesbook @the1stdaughter @alybee930 @mentortexts @bluskyz @asharuiz @ReadingCountess @PaulWHankins @literacydocent @linkstoliteracy @gregpincus @acorgill @KateMessner @JensBookPage @readingteachsu @hickstro @MrSchuReads @jmalphy @ColoReader @ChocolateAir @amylvpoemfarm @CBethM

These authors and illustrators are keep me posted on the latest:  
Early Childhood Tweeps:
As a first grade teacher, these early literacy colleagues always remind me the importance of preserving the child in my learners. They have great suggestions for working with young learners:@LiteracyCounts @maggiecary @teachmama @poulingail @Teach_Preschool @playactivities @JenDobson27@sxwiley @LAMHRainbow @hechternacht @Matt_Gomez @Mr_Fines

Links to Great Resources:
These people not only filter great tweets and pass them along in the Twitterstream, but they locate smart information on the internet and share it regularly. These colleagues are important for locating resources that will help improve our classroom practice. @kevcreutz @joycevalenza @ghewgley @elizbtheastman @soltauheller @rmbyrne @lizbdavi@cybraryman1 @djainslie @GaryBrannigan @Struggle2Learn @MissCheska @pragmaticmom

Great Conversations:

Always Ready to Help:
It seems every time I put out a call for help, these are some of the first to respond. You should add these "first responders" to your list: @cyndiejacobs @nsharoff @m_yam @weemooseus

English Language Learners:
If you have English Language Learners in your classroom, you'll want to follow @MultiLingLiving @KarenNemethEdM @judiehaynes @PreKlanguages

These Tweeps Keep Me Thinking:

Tech Tweeps
Here are a few technology tweeps to get started with:

Public Education Advocates
With the recent push to place funding into charter schools, and take funding from public schools, I felt it was time to advocate for public schools and the children they serve.  For this reason, I started @PublicEd4Kids which is a new account created to advocate for public schools and children.  Here are a few public education advocates I recommend following:  @ForTrueEdReform @nancyflanagan @TeacherSabrina @RachelAnneLevy @juliecavanagh15 @KenMLibby @leoniehaimson @TeacherReality @SOSMarch @susanoha @starsoflove, and with reservation @DianeRavitch (Though she seems to be a key figure in getting education out of this mess, I cannot move beyond the fact that in some ways she got us INTO this mess.  Though I'm trying to keep an open mind...and she does share quite a bit of relevant information.)

Some Ohio tweeps who keep me up-to-date on legislative issues:  @plunderbund @Notgvn @Elishico @real_large

The Movers and Shakers:
These people are "must haves" for your Twitter list. Odds are you already follow them, but I'm going to talk about them anyway. These are the people who seem to have their pulse on the internet. I'm pretty sure they don't sleep. They share great links and seem to be developing a professional online community that is amazing: @ShellTerrell @tomwhitby @teachingwthsoul @web20classroom @ktenkely @tonnet @courosa @gcouros.


  1. Thanks for the #ff and the opportunity to work with you, always a growth experience, always a pleasure!
    Will be revisiting this post often as I build my PLN. I really appreciate the time you took in the organization, such a help!

  2. This is a great list. I really love finding ppl on twitter and in the blogosphere that can challenge me, keep me current, remind me of what's important, and bring fresh perspectives. Looks like there are many ppl who can do that. Thanks for sharing your lists.

  3. I knew it would happen. Here's the first round of great tweeps I missed:
    Literacy: @BookChook @carwilc
    Great Conversation: @nykat4
    @AndersonGL @Room5Friends
    Keeps me thinking: @steelepierce @educatoral.
    Yep, there will be more...

  4. Twitter is The Final Frontier for me. I just can't bring myself to do anything with it. This post almost convinced me, but I'll stick with blogging for right now.

  5. Jackie, I agree. There are so many great conversations that take place on Twitter and on blogs. I especially enjoy the link between the two. I starting blogging as a result of Twitter, though I know many people have come to Twitter after blogging. Thanks for stopping by.

    Ms. Yingling,
    I actually started on Twitter before blogging. I found 140 characters didn't always give me enough space to say what I wanted to say. Twitter also helped me get started finding and reading blogs. Soon I started to see conversation connections across blogs and between blogs & Twitter. I finally decided it was time to jump into the blogging madness. If you're interested in Twitter. My advice (given to me when I started) is to find about 10 people to follow and just watch for awhile. Hope you'll take the plunge.


  6. Your local tweeps:..
    As I noticed names coming up in your posts, I was just about to send a message to you to ask if you lived near them.
    Reading this post answered my question!
    Oh my goodness! You live in teacher heaven!
