
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Originally uploaded by Catmere
Look what came today!! Last year's students gave me a gift card at the end of the year. As you know, my plan for the summer was to update our classroom library. I've been visiting book stores and following blogs all summer so my cart was getting full. Last week I purchased my books, and have been waiting for them to arrive.

I returned today to find them waiting for me!! When I was in school my mom always allowed us to order books from the Scholastic book order. I loved ordering books, but the wait for their arrival seemed forever. This was much the same. I'm pretty sure I was as excited about these new books for my classroom as I was about the books I used to get from those elementary book orders.

Thank you to my amazing class!! (Next year's group appreciates your kindness.) I'm wishing we could get together so I could share some of these new titles with you. Stop by to see them.


  1. Isn't it fun getting new books??? I have a list that I am currently collecting for our new school year too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just love getting new books too!! THis bunch looks great. I just hit the purchase order button on amazon tonight...can't wait for the mail this week!

  3. Dragon Tattoo in the first grade classroom?!?! You must have some gifted readers in Hilliard!!! (ha ha)

    Happy reading to your students AND you. Remember to take care of yourself as a reader this year!

  4. You are all right, new books are the best! Mary Lee, you are too funny! I wondered if anyone would notice. One of my students gave me a gift card and directed it be used for my summer reading. I honored the request - why not? Being a "pop" reader (because it's all about being able to participate in conversations) I purchased this book I've been hearing so much about. It will be interesting to see if I like it as it is not my usual read.

  5. When I was young I was a in a monthly book club, I would get so excited when I mailman came! My mom would drop everything and read with me! Thanks for triggering the memory!
