
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

August 10 for 10: A Picture Book Event

If you were stranded on an island and had to teach, what 10 picture books would you hope to have in your bag? Of course, I'm being a bit dramatic (because it's fun), but I do always want to step inside the classrooms of others to see what books they love to use with their students. Which books spark delightful conversation? Which books keep children laughing or touch their hearts? Which books beg to be read aloud again and again? Which books could be used as writing mentors? Which books support the teaching and learning in the community? That's part of the reason why Mandy, of Enjoy and Embrace Learning, and I are hosting an "August 10 for 10" Picture Book event on - you guessed it - the 10th of August.

A little over a week ago, Mandy began reviewing the books I had suggested for teaching in a review of More Than Guided Reading on her blog. I remember writing the list of books. It was fun trying to consider 10 books I thought worked really well with students in a lot of ways. As I made the list I considered books students always connected with in the classroom. As I read her reflections though, I couldn't help but smile. I had been following Mandy's blog for some time, and I knew she had reviewed so many amazing books. I had a feeling Mandy's list of 10 picture books she'd want to have in her classroom would be interesting to read. As I followed her blog through the reviews I began to wonder more and more what Mandy's list would be.

As I followed the reviews of the 10 picture books I'd use for teaching, I also knew my list of 10 books had changed. I still loved all of those books (you'll find each one of them on the shelves of my classroom and each one still has its moment in my teaching), but I wrote More Than Guided Reading when I was working as a literacy coach. I chose the books more from a literacy coach's point of view. I wanted books which would work with students in a range of grade levels. Now I'm teaching first grade....and it's been about 5 years since I made that list. I've read a lot of kidlit blogs since then! I've made way too many trips to the bookstore. I've had so many friends hand me books they love to use with their students. My students have brought me so many books they just love. What would my list of 10 books be???

The more Mandy and I chatted, the more we wondered about the lists of favorites of other teachers, parents, and writers. We thought it would be fun to host a round-up of our friends, favorite blogs, as well as newbie bloggers (like me) sharing their favorite 10 picture books to use in their classroom. Since we're also beginning to feel the excitement of a new school year that is quickly approaching, we couldn't think of a better way to kick off the new school year than with a sharing of books! We're hoping you will join us on August 10th in a celebration of books by sharing the 10 picture books you couldn't live without in your classroom.

Pass the news along to your friends and join us on August 10th for a virtual book tour - a picture book party! Just in time for back-t0-school shopping. Let us know you'll be joining us on our blogs, on Twitter (@mandyrobek or @justwonderinY) or by e-mail. On the day of the event we will both be linking to the posts of your "faves". Can't wait!!!!!


  1. This sounds like a VERY fun event! Can't wait to see all the lists!

  2. Just commented over at Mandy's...I am in!

  3. I'm in too! This is great! Can't wait!

  4. I will do my best to take part in this event. It sounds like a great idea!

  5. Cathy! This is an amazing idea! I can't write more because I'm off to look through my picture book library. (I brought my entire collection home this summer to re-organize!) I can't wait for this event. Let me know if I can do anything to help get the word out or help you. Nancy

  6. I would love to join in. I'm a new follower. I'm actually staying at home and not teaching right now, though :) But I still probably have 10 favorite picture books that I use with my preschooler.

  7. Thrilled to have all of my favorite bloggers joining us!! I enjoy all of your posts ---- and now I will get to sneak a peak at ten picture books you couldn't live without in your classroom.

  8. Wonderful's great fun to see what others put on their lists. Count me in!

  9. I will look forward to hearing about the books as well. I'm sure I will find books I want to add to my collection. Now I have to think about just having 10.

  10. Hi just came across your blog and I'm really looking forward to joining in your event on the 10th. I have so many picture books it will be difficult to choose 10.
    What time will you be starting your event? This is just so I can try and join in. I am about 5 hours ahead of you.

  11. Sounds awesome. I'm in...unless my grandbaby is making an entrance that day.

  12. Not sure I can narrow it down to 10, but I'll give it a shot!


  14. November, we are posting all day on the 10th. Since you are ahead of us it should be even easier. We will leave a bit of play for time zones. Let me know if I can help in any way. Glad you are participating.

  15. Just realized I never posted on either of your blogs that I would be participating. Luckily, I think you both knew I would anyway. :)
    Headed to my room tomorrow to pull out my favorite picture books - narrowing it to 10 will be a challenge!!

  16. I'm typing my list now and I swear...the list is changing as I am typing. This is HARDER than I thought!

  17. Tonya,
    I feel your pain! My list is still longer than 10. I told Mandy we probably should have decided upon 15 books on the 15th of August. :o)

  18. How perfect that I found this today (August 10th). I'm in and will put up my list today.

  19. Finally...I narrowed it down with my own little twist, hopefully I'm still within the rules!

  20. This sounds fun and I would love to participate...I don't think it will be a problem thinking of 10!

  21. Count me in to blog 10 for 10! Of course, I have to narrow it down to 10 first!

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